I feel like there's even credit to you see people just completely stop on their own. So, like, I can be in a state-ran rehab inside the city i get paid for transportation every rehab does so we can go out and do stuff at the lake you know we can go on uh that's a free thing to do right you just drive across town it's just a matter of like how much do you want to do it you can take new events you can take them to different recovery functions that are mostly free for like bigger organizations like that so i think probably i i would bet that a lot as weird as i mean it all comes down to economics right like what can the rehab afford to pay individuals and the higher that you're able to afford the probably the higher level of applicant you're going to get and when you when you do that you're going to get people that are probably do have a significant track record in the field that know what they're doing and are very successful whereas i would assume in the state ran facility and we know this for sure in some cases in state ran facilities and i'm not going to name it's not state but it is state funded let me put it that way in some facilities they're hiring individuals that are like fresh into the field and a lot of times two years of clean time just got a recovery coach academy or like just got their masters degree or whatever and this is like the first job that they're ever having there's one dude I gotta tell this real quick so there's one dude that's in the rehab that he looked like he was fresh off the bayou he'd wear a button down shirt with the sleeves ripped off holes in it bayou hat like a round kind of hat in like holey jeans and I saw him in there by you had like a round kind of head in like holy jeans and I saw him in there and I was like oh you knew you the new guy here or whatever and he's like no I work here dude and he was a therapist yeah his master's degree dressed yeah that's how he showed up every day my master's degree soccer salsa does my Gp farm. Yeah, it was super cool. But yeah, it was just always funny to me, like, seeing him come in, just looking like he just came off from wrestling a gator, you know, coming under work.