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  • Cannabis use in the US with Jonathan Caulkins

Cannabis use in the US with Jonathan Caulkins

Wednesday 22nd May 2024

Discover how cannabis use in the US has transformed over decades, with insights from Professor Jonathan Caulkins on Addiction Audio.
23 minutes

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Cannabis in America: Shifting Trends and Societal Impact with Jonathan Caulkins

Episode Overview

  • Significant increase in daily or near-daily cannabis use observed
  • Shift towards greater intensity of cannabis use highlighted
  • Discussion on societal changes with cannabis becoming a part of daily life
  • Exploration of the limitations of self-reporting in substance use studies
  • Consideration of the societal impact of cannabis regulations
Cannabis has changed its position in society... It's essentially a part of their daily life, not a part of their social or recreational life.
Curious about how cannabis use has changed in the US over the years? In this episode of Addiction Audio, Dr. Elle Wadsworth sits down with Professor Jonathan Caulkins to chat about self-reported cannabis use from 1979 to 2022. They dive into how cannabis consumption has evolved, especially in comparison to alcohol use during the same period.
Professor Caulkins sheds light on the shift from cannabis being a weekend party drug in the early '90s to becoming a daily habit for nearly 40% of users today. They also tackle the tricky issue of self-reporting in substance use research and discuss alternative ways to gauge the impact of cannabis on individuals and their families. Want to know more about how policy changes have influenced these trends?
Tune in for a thoughtful discussion on the complexities of cannabis regulation and its societal implications.