Yeah. It's hot. Hot but busy. Hot but busy. How are things over there on the West Coast? It was in the 90s today. I had an intervention today that it was interesting, man. The whole family was in recovery, like double digit recovery. And they had this one person in the family system that had been trying for years to get sober. And you think that like going into this, you expect that there's a family system that's, hey, they're in recovery. There's a certain degree of health and wellness that has been established there. And, you know, you kind of pull back that curtain and get into a family system and all of that stuff is still there. All those buttons are available to be pushed. You know, all that childhood stuff is still there. The stuff that just sometimes doesn't go away until we confront it head on. And to see that kind of play out in the intervention today, you know, this gentleman, good man, like you can see the sincerity of like, I don't want to live this way anymore. But there was also this, you know what, if I say yes today, if I agree to this today, you guys win and I lose. And man, I am not going to let you win. No matter what the cost today, I'm not going to let you win. And man, my heart goes out to him because I remember being in that spot. But the heartache and the pain that he set himself up for all over again. It's heartbreaking, man. It's heartbreaking to have to come away knowing that the whole family system is still struggling tonight.