Bill Wilson's 12 Traditions: The Heartbeat of Alcoholics Anonymous
Tal Cosa Fue El Principio De Lo Que Vendr a a ser la pirate de a?A y as es como Debi Haber Sido.
Imagine being in the room with Bill Wilson, the co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous, as he unpacks the 12 Traditions that have shaped this life-changing community. In this episode of Grupo Centro Madrid's podcast, you get to do just that. Bill Wilson dives into the core principles that keep AA grounded and effective, offering listeners a front-row seat to the history and philosophy behind these guiding rules.
Whether you're new to AA or a long-time member, this episode sheds light on why these traditions are so crucial for personal and collective recovery. You'll hear about the origins of AA, the importance of committee rotation, and how personal power plays a role in maintaining sobriety. It's not just about understanding AA's structure; it's about seeing how these traditions have transformed lives around the world.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about the inner workings of Alcoholics Anonymous and the principles that have made it a beacon of hope for millions.