Step 7 and the Journey of Humility: Insights from Bill Ward
Indeed, the attainment of greater humility is the foundation principle of each of a's steps, and that's really important: understanding that humility is the foundation principle of this program and some of the foundation lies within the humiliation and lies within the humble, through pain, all taking us down the road to this third phase: the desire to seek and do God's will.
What if the key to overcoming addiction lies in something as simple, yet profound, as humility? In this episode of THEUDRCAST, Bill Ward dives deep into Step 7 of the Big Book Study, unraveling the essential role humility plays in the recovery journey.
With a focus on how humility forms the bedrock of the entire recovery process, Bill explains that it's often through our most painful and humiliating experiences that we find the strength to seek and follow a higher power's guidance. This episode isn't just about theory; it's about practical steps to integrate humility into your life and how doing so can lead to genuine self-discovery and healing.
Bill also explores the spiritual values that are crucial for a fulfilling life, emphasizing that surrendering to a higher power can help us conquer our compulsions and find inner peace. Whether you're in recovery, supporting someone who is, or simply curious about the spiritual aspects of overcoming addiction, this episode offers valuable insights and heartfelt advice. Tune in to learn how embracing humility can be a transformative step on your path to recovery.