Sacrificial Service: The Role of Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselors
They lay down their lives to help people who sometimes are very hard to get along with the addicted.
Imagine being part of a community where helping others is more than just a duty—it's a calling. In this episode of 'The Addiction Connection Podcast', Dr. Mark E. Shaw shines a light on the incredible work of Commissioned Addictions Biblical Counselors (CABC). These dedicated individuals and ministries form the backbone of The Addiction Connection, tirelessly working to support those struggling with addiction and their families. Dr.
Shaw reads from 1 Thessalonians 2:7-8, using these verses to illustrate the theme of past Addiction Connection Summits. He also dives into verses 9-12, applying them to the selfless efforts of CABC members who serve in their local churches and ministries. These counselors are not just working hard; they are persevering saints, embodying the Word of God in their actions. Dr.
Shaw also touches on the movie 'Selfie Dad', which tells the story of an average Christian's journey to deepen his faith through the Bible. This film serves as a reminder of the importance of feasting on God's Word—reading, studying, memorizing, and focusing on it. When the Holy Spirit works in your heart, people become more than just problems to solve; they become dear to you.
This episode is a heartfelt exploration of how love and faith can transform lives, urging the church to step up and play a more active role in addiction recovery.