You start a project assuming that you won't see anything, right. And so my brain probably started working that way. And of course, I was excited to know that we could make a difference to people's sleep and people's anxiety. And having suffered from it as well, I thought, well, this could make a difference to myself, to the people around me that I know who suffer from this. So obviously Sophie has multiple plants that we use, right? And through your work, do you think it will be, you know, that you will be start to be able to predict before someone has even taken a plant, or rather say they've taken just a valerian, right? And the way they react to that, that you'll be able to predict that actually, the way I can see them react to valerian, right, and maybe they don't react so well, I think I can already predict that they will probably be, you know, reacting quite, you know, heavily to Passiflora, for example, or to another of our plants, right? So do you think that simply through the work that you do, that will be get much cleverer at predicting the next plant that someone, you know, takes?