I always had this mindset like if they give me the opportunity I'll never blow it. I slowly like I would, how I got in the field I went to all the treatment like programs I've been through and parole officers I had and I'll just call them like can I speak to all the treatment programs I've been through and parole officers I had. And I think I disagree with some people sometimes when they say the pink cloud, like I understand the concept, but my vision for all my patients is let's keep you in that pink cloud, you know, where the kids that couldn't sit down in class, where the kids they never gave, but if you just give a simple task, that's not going to give us a life worth living, you know, and for me going to college and you know, being young too, you know, although the, you know, the 12, you know, the old school 12 steps with the new balances and the blown out Levi jeans filling up coffee for 25 years, you know, like how it asks good questions.