Well, the 12 steps is a really good way to do that. So at some point, I have to not think that I'm working the steps because I'm guiding you through them. At some point, Bill has to sit down and do his own inventory. Now, I will tell you that I really don't have any resentments. I think things have changed in my life. I don't carry around a lot of anger and resentment. Doesn't mean I don't have conflict, but it doesn't really affect me that much anymore. Like I don't have the rage I used to have, but I certainly have fears. And I think what I've been doing is not acknowledging that. And one of the ways I can begin changing that is like sitting here talking to you about it or people, the friends of mine that come over in the backyard and talk about what's really going on, expose them to the light of day. I've had the same sponsor for 38 years. We're going to go use this Stratford men's group format that Bill Shaberg put together, the guy that wrote the writing of the big book. And these are people that have been sober for a while, not new people. We're going to do this together, and we're all going to do an inventory, and we're all going to, you know, and so that's what's really going on with me right now is that it's time for Guru Bill C to work the steps himself and not just talk about it, but do it.