Master Your Reading: Dive Deep and Absorb More
Episode Overview
Focus on mastering one book a month. Highlight key sections and re-read important chapters. Listen to audiobooks to reinforce lessons. Implement strategies from books into daily life. Transform your approach to reading for maximum value.
I wasn't learning as much as I could because as soon as I finished one book, I would go to the next. I wasn't mastering the book.
Are you ready to master your reading habits and truly absorb the wisdom from your favourite books? In this episode of 'Livin the DREAM with Matt Scoletti', Matt shares his new approach to reading - focusing on mastering one book a month. Instead of speeding through dozens of books, Matt suggests taking a deep dive into each one, highlighting key sections, re-reading important chapters, and even listening to audiobooks to reinforce the lessons.
He believes this method will help you internalise and implement the valuable strategies these books offer. Matt also discusses how this approach has changed his perspective on learning and personal growth, making it more intentional and impactful. If you're tired of forgetting what you've read and want to make the most out of your reading time, this episode is a must-listen.
You'll get practical tips on how to extract maximum value from every book you read and how to apply those lessons in your daily life. So, are you up for the challenge of mastering your reading? Tune in and start transforming your approach today.