Michael Stoller's 90-Day Challenge: Embracing Emotional Sobriety
I can't manage my anger, my fear, my guilt, my shame. And because I can't manage those feelings, I then go to some type of substance or vice or something to numb me from those feelings.
Ever felt overwhelmed by the constant need for 'more'? Michael Stoller knows that struggle all too well. In this episode of 'MY BLUEPRINT: Struggle Towards Emotional Sobriety', he takes on a bold challenge: attending 90 12-step meetings in 90 days. Michael opens up about his battles with addiction, not just to substances, but to the relentless pursuit of more—more success, more validation, more everything. He candidly discusses how this addiction has manifested as restlessness, discontent, and irritability in his life.
But Michael isn't just talking about problems; he's all about solutions. He highlights the importance of being kind and gentle to oneself, stressing that self-compassion is crucial in managing difficult emotions. Throughout his journey, Michael commits to attending various 12-step meetings, including OA (Overeaters Anonymous), EA (Emotions Anonymous), SSA (Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous), and CoDA (Co-Dependents Anonymous). His dedication to this regimen showcases the transformative power of consistency and commitment in achieving emotional sobriety.
Michael also shares how prayer, meditation, and service have been vital tools in his recovery arsenal. These practices, he believes, can benefit anyone on a similar path towards emotional wellness. By committing to this 90-day challenge, Michael's journey serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder that recovery is possible. This episode is packed with insights and encouragement for anyone grappling with addiction or seeking emotional balance.