David Boyle's Wild Fridays: A Sobering Tale of Meth and Mayhem
But nothing is more fucked up Friday than sending a dude you barely know from high school a fucking video of you fucking a dildo on the ground.
Ever had a Friday night that went completely off the rails? In this episode of 'I'm Quitting Alcohol', comedian David Boyle brings you a story that's as wild as it is eye-opening. He kicks things off by reading anonymous stories sent in by listeners, setting the stage for a tale that spirals into the bizarre. Boyle shares an unsettling account of a friend who started receiving increasingly disturbing messages from a high school acquaintance deep into meth addiction.
The situation escalates when the acquaintance sends a video of himself in a compromising and explicit act involving a dildo. But the madness doesn't stop there. Boyle also recounts a bachelor party that went south, featuring unexpected tattoos and inappropriate sexual antics. While the episode is packed with Boyle's signature humor, it also serves as a stark reminder of the destructive nature of addiction and the importance of seeking help.
Whether you're looking for a laugh or a sobering reality check, this episode offers both in spades.