Tackling Overwhelm: Mind-Body Techniques for Breast Cancer Recovery
When you resist, when you fight overwhelm or you fight any feeling that's uncomfortable, any feeling that comes up for you and you say: no, this isn't how I want to feel. I'm going to push right past it instead of allow it and explore it. Then you can push yourself into a really dangerous place where you have a tendency to do what's called buffering.
Ever feel like you're drowning in a sea of responsibilities and emotions? Laura Lummer knows that feeling all too well. In this episode, she shares her unique perspective on managing overwhelm through a mind-body approach. Laura, a two-time breast cancer survivor and certified Life, Health, and Nutrition Coach, dives into how negative news can derail your morning routine and why it's crucial to face uncomfortable feelings head-on.
She explains the importance of nourishing your body with healthy fats and the transformative power of journaling and mindfulness. Laura also touches on the concept of self-coaching, offering practical tips for cultivating self-love and self-care. By embracing these strategies, you'll learn how to experience, accept, and even surrender to overwhelm, all while keeping your peace of mind intact.
This episode is a must-listen for anyone navigating the complexities of breast cancer recovery or simply looking to find balance in their daily life.