Fr. Christophe Lepoutre and Ancient Faith Radio

Healing Addictions II (Fr. Christophe Lepoutre and Ancient Faith Radio)

  • 012 - Admitting That Our Lives Have Become Unmanageable - The 1st Step

012 - Admitting That Our Lives Have Become Unmanageable - The 1st Step

Saturday 4th January 2020

Fr. Christophe Lepoutre explores the first step in recovery: admitting powerlessness over addiction in 'Healing Addictions II'.
31 minutes

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Healing Addictions II
Fr. Christophe Lepoutre and Ancient Faith Radio
Religion & Spirituality
Navigating Intimate Relationships
Healing Relationships
Innovative Treatments & Recovery Paths
Creative Recovery Journeys
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Facing Powerlessness: The First Step in Recovery with Fr. Christophe Lepoutre

And if we adopt this way of life, beginning with this first step, the door of provision to almighty god, helping each and every one of us learn to come to terms with what it is that we have no control over, and being invited by him to have our needs met differently because of his great love and ongoing compassion for us is truly life-giving, and it is the way, the true way of salvation.
What does it mean to truly admit that your life has become unmanageable? In this episode of 'Healing Addictions II', Fr. Christophe Lepoutre dives into the crucial first step of the Twelve Steps of Recovery. He breaks down the importance of admitting powerlessness over our lives, especially when it comes to addiction. Fr. Christophe discusses how our lives often fall into three categories: our interactions with people, places, and things.
Trying to control these aspects can lead to great harm, and recognizing this is key to moving forward in recovery. Fr. Christophe draws on the work of Roy K, the founder of Sexaholics Anonymous, to illustrate how admitting powerlessness is a universal aspect of overcoming any addiction. He explains that acknowledging our inability to control certain elements of our lives is not just a step towards recovery but also a step towards salvation.
The episode delves into the spiritual and emotional aspects of addiction, emphasizing that our soul's dysfunction can lead to a breakdown of control. Fr. Christophe highlights the serenity prayer as a powerful tool for those struggling with addiction. This simple prayer helps individuals come to terms with their lack of control and invites them to find solace in a higher power's love and compassion.
For anyone on the journey of recovery, this episode offers valuable insights into why admitting powerlessness is essential. Fr. Christophe's blend of Orthodox Christian spirituality and practical psychotherapy provides a holistic approach to understanding and overcoming addiction.