Laura Lummer

The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Laura Lummer

  • #340 Holding Space for Anger After Breast Cancer

#340 Holding Space for Anger After Breast Cancer

Friday 26th April 2024

Explore the transformative power of acknowledging and expressing anger on Better Than Before Breast Cancer with host Laura Lummer. Discover expert insights and personal reflections on managing emotions and fostering personal growth.
29 minutes

About this podcast

The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach
Laura Lummer
Empowering Recovery Journeys
Healing from Sexual Trauma
Healing Relationships
Entrepreneurship for Personal Growth
Spiritual & Personal Growth Journeys
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Unlocking the Power of Anger: A Journey to Self-Discovery

Episode Overview

  • Acknowledge and explore feelings of anger for personal growth
  • Understanding the impact of repressing emotions on mental and physical health
  • The role of self-expression in fostering healthy relationships
  • Recognizing the importance of setting boundaries for emotional well-being
  • Empowering listeners to embrace their authentic selves and feelings
Can you let yourself be angry? Can you hold space for anger? And that doesn't mean blowing up on everybody in your house, but taking a moment for yourself and noticing and saying, I'm angry. Can you be there and be comfortable with your anger and explore it and get to know it?
In this episode of Better Than Before Breast Cancer, host Laura Lummer explores the importance of acknowledging and expressing anger as a vital step towards mental and physical well-being. By delving into the repercussions of repressing emotions, particularly anger, Laura sheds light on the significance of allowing oneself to feel and understand these emotions. Drawing from personal experiences and expert insights, she navigates the complexities of self-expression and its impact on relationships and personal growth.