Joe Strecker

Spiritworks with Rick Greene

Joe Strecker

  • Not Afraid To Be Positive Episode 139 - James 3:13

Not Afraid To Be Positive Episode 139 - James 3:13

Monday 20th May 2024

Explore the power of faith and humility in overcoming life's unexpected challenges in this episode of Spiritworks with Rick Greene.
4 minutes

About this podcast

Spiritworks with Rick Greene
Joe Strecker
Religion & Spirituality
Spiritual & Personal Growth Journeys
Entrepreneurship for Personal Growth
Body & Mind
Sexual Empowerment & Identity
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Shining Through Adversity: A Journey of Faith and Resilience

Episode Overview

  • Rick Greene shares a personal story of facing a significant financial challenge
  • The episode highlights the importance of prayer and faith in difficult times
  • The host emphasises the significance of staying humble and trusting in God's provision
  • Reflection on the verse James 3:13 and its relevance in demonstrating wisdom
  • A message of hope and resilience in the face of unexpected trials
I'm always going to give God the glory...who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom.
In a heartfelt episode of Spiritworks with Rick Greene, the host opens up about unexpected challenges in his life and the power of faith in times of need. The episode delves into the importance of trusting in God's provision and staying humble in the face of adversity.