Valerie Silveira

Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira

Valerie Silveira

  • Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira

Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira

Discover how to overcome adversities and find courage with Warriors in Hope, a podcast series by Valerie Silveira. Listen now to gain insights and perspectives on living life to the fullest.
Health & Wellness
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Financial Empowerment

Warriors in Hope: Valerie Silveira's Podcast Series on Overcoming Adversities and Finding Courage

If you're looking for inspiration and guidance on how to overcome life's challenges, look no further than Warriors in Hope with Valerie Silveira. This podcast series is packed with insights, tips, and stories of hope that will help you find the courage to stand up and live your best life.
Valerie Silveira is a woman of unwavering strength who has faced unimaginable loss and adversity in her life. Through the trauma of her daughter's addiction and senseless murder, she has emerged as a Trauma Disruptor & Legacy Leader who empowers others to find hope amidst their struggles.
The episodes of Warriors in Hope cover a wide range of topics related to overcoming fear, managing disappointment, staying positive in negative situations, finding collateral beauty amidst challenges, accepting what we don't understand,
and much more. Each episode is filled with actionable advice that listeners can implement right away.
In 'Fight As If Your Life Depends On It,' Valerie shares her message about fighting for life on the Still Standing podcast. She teaches listeners how to stand up and live courageously through difficult times.
In 'Why FOMO Is Not Good For You,' she discusses why Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO) can be harmful for us both mentally and emotionally. She offers practical advice for overcoming FOMO so that we can focus on our purpose instead.
Other episodes like 'Taking Care Of #1 Interview With Jimi Labonte' feature interviews with real-life heroes who have overcome abuse or addiction through faith-based approaches.
Listeners will also appreciate learning from experts like Dr. Marissa Pei (Balance Tai Chi-Qigong) as they discuss ways we can take control of our emotions or learn about the science behind being in a bad mood!
The list goes on! There are plenty more valuable conversations waiting just around the corner if you tune into this thought-provoking series!
The message throughout each episode is clear: We all have the power within us to overcome any obstacle standing between us & our dreams - regardless of whether those obstacles come from external sources or internal fears/anxieties which hold us back from reaching our full potential!
Valerie provides actionable insights that inspire people worldwide through various resources such as books; workbooks; journals; 9 Weapons Of Hope courses - all designed specifically towards guiding individuals towards freedom from their past traumas while helping them create an inspired future.