Judah Friedman, Ben Stein

The World According To Ben Stein

Judah Friedman, Ben Stein

  • The World According To Ben Stein

The World According To Ben Stein

Join Ben Stein and Judah Friedman on The World According To Ben Stein, a podcast series that tackles hot-button topics ranging from healthcare to law and order. With special guests every week, this show is a must-listen for anyone who values free thinking.
Comedy & Culture
Creativity & Innovation
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Financial Empowerment
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery

The World According To Ben Stein: A Free-Thinking Podcast You Don't Want to Miss

If you're looking for a podcast series that will stimulate your mind and challenge your assumptions, look no further than The World According To Ben Stein. Hosted by author, economist, lawyer, professor of law and economics, columnist for the Wall Street Journal and former presidential speechwriter - Ben Stein - and addiction specialist/Co-host Judah Friedman. This series offers an unparalleled depth of insight into some of the most pressing issues facing America today.
With three new episodes every week featuring special guests discussing current events such as mask mandates or police brutality in America's cities along with insights into personal stories such as meeting US Presidents or surviving depression by rational thinking.
Listeners can expect lively discussions on everything from national elections to media action network strategies. In each episode co-hosts examine both sides of an issue through thoughtful conversations with experts from all walks of life including politicians like State Senator Doug Mastriano and Jack Posobiec among others.
What sets this podcast apart is its hosts' unique perspectives. Whether they are discussing the importance of personal responsibility or offering insight on mental health issues like depression or anxiety through logical reasoning their free-thinking spirit shines through in every episode.
The World According To Ben Stein is available wherever you get your podcasts so be sure to subscribe today! You won't want to miss out on this thought-provoking show full of insightful commentary about our world's complex political landscape.