
The Pink House Chronicles


  • The Pink House Chronicles

The Pink House Chronicles

Join the World Famous Bouldin Group in Austin, Texas on The Pink House Chronicles podcast. Listen to inspiring stories of addiction, recovery, hope and healing. Available now.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Family & Relationships
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Health & Wellness

The Pink House Chronicles: A Journey of Hope and Healing

Are you looking for a podcast that shares inspiring stories of hope and healing? Look no further than The Pink House Chronicles. This podcast series features recorded alcohol and drug recovery speaker meetings from the 'World Famous' Bouldin Group in Austin, Texas. Founded in 1962, this group has helped countless individuals overcome their struggles with addiction.
Each episode features an anonymous individual sharing their story about what it was like being addicted to drugs or alcohol, what happened that made them seek help, and what life is like now in sobriety. You will hear powerful testimony about overcoming trauma and addiction through the 12 Steps program offered by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
One topic frequently discussed on this series is the significance of step three - making a decision to turn one's will over to a higher power as they understand it. Many speakers share their experiences with higher power during their journey towards sobriety.
Listeners also get valuable insight into how family members deal with loved ones who are struggling with addiction as well as understanding the challenges faced by those seeking treatment for substance abuse.
What sets The Pink House Chronicles apart from other podcasts is its raw authenticity; speakers share their experiences without holding back any details about legal troubles or personal setbacks resulting from substance abuse.
Another unique aspect of this series is how it showcases different forms of therapy that can aid individuals in recovery beyond traditional methods such as AA meetings. In one episode titled 'How painting and art helped ChrisR in his recovery,' we learn how creativity can be used as an outlet for processing difficult emotions related to addiction.
The Pink House Chronicles also highlights the importance of having a support system during one's journey towards sobriety - whether it be through friends or group therapy sessions such as AA meetings at the Bouldin Group.
Overall, if you're looking for a thought-provoking podcast series that provides real-life accounts about overcoming adversity through sobriety then look no further than The Pink House Chronicles. Join us on this journey towards hope and healing today!