
The Hope Recovery Podcast


  • The Hope Recovery Podcast

The Hope Recovery Podcast

Discover The Hope Recovery Podcast, a faith-based approach to recovery from alcohol and drug addiction. Join Greg Schmalhofer every Monday for devotional messages, interviews, and discussions on the role of faith in recovery.
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The Hope Recovery Podcast: Finding Faith-Based Solutions to Addiction

Are you struggling with addiction? Do you feel like you've tried everything, but nothing seems to work? If so, then The Hope Recovery Podcast may be just what you need. Hosted by Greg Schmalhofer, this podcast offers a faith-based approach to recovery from alcohol and drug addiction.
Every Monday, The Hope Recovery Podcast releases new episodes that feature a blend of devotional messages related to the Bible and its teachings on addiction recovery. Listeners will also hear interviews with individuals from the recovery community discussing their own journeys through addiction and how their faith helped them overcome it.
One of the main themes throughout The Hope Recovery Podcast is the message of hope. Listeners are encouraged to look towards God for help in their journey towards sobriety. Whether someone is at the beginning stages of their journey or has been sober for years, there is always something new they can learn about themselves and their relationship with God.
Some topics covered in this podcast series include certified recovery congregations, challenges in recovery, different pathways to recovery, restored relationships in recovery as well as discussing prayer's power in addiction healing and treating addiction as a treatable disease.
The podcast's overall goal is encouraging listeners who are struggling with substance abuse disorders that there is hope for them no matter how dire things may seem right now through its message of faith-based solutions.
So if you're looking for support on your path toward sobriety or seeking inspiration during tough times - tune into The Hope Recovery Podcast wherever podcasts are found.