Laura Lummer

The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Laura Lummer

  • The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach

Discover The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach podcast series, where Laura Lummer shares tools and insights for breast cancer survivors to create a fulfilling life beyond diagnosis.
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The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach: Empowering Women to Create a Life Beyond Diagnosis

The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach is an empowering podcast series hosted by Laura Lummer. As a two-time breast cancer survivor currently living with and healing from Stage 4 Metastatic Breast Cancer, she's a Certified Life, Health, Nutrition Coach, and Wellness professional who supports women in dropping their warrior shield after a diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer so they can release the pressure to go back to normal and create a life that's even better than before.
Throughout the series, Laura offers listeners tools they can apply today to support their body and mind as they manage breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. From understanding multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) to learning about different types of intermittent fasting protocols or creating synergy with herbs and spices; each episode covers various topics that provide insightful information for anyone affected by this disease.
One essential topic discussed in the podcast is how women can live fulfilling lives during treatment and recovery. Through her own experience with breast cancer, Laura has learned how important it is not just to survive but also thrive during these challenging times. She encourages listeners always to remember that there is hope beyond the diagnosis.
In addition to discussing health-related topics such as managing cholesterol levels or common sleep disturbances' impact on health; The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach also focuses on mental well-being. Laura talks about breaking free of limiting beliefs or separating inherent worth from others' opinions while sharing her personal journey.
Moreover, she discusses how childhood conditioning impacts self-worth & releases expectations so one can live an intentional life of healing. Each episode emphasizes different aspects of what it takes for women recovering from this disease - physically & emotionally.
The title 'The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach' itself makes it clear what one could expect from the show - support & guidance towards recovery through coaching techniques underpinned by research-based knowledge in nutrition & wellness.
Whether you're newly diagnosed or have been living with this illness for years- the host provides affordable resources like home sleep studies available online that could be used while undergoing treatment at home or learning more about intermittent fasting protocols that work best for your body type - all aiming towards empowering women who feel lost in their journey post-diagnosis.
In conclusion: If you are looking for inspiration on how others have coped with this challenging situation while learning new ways of managing your physical & emotional well-being- then 'The Breast Cancer Recovery Coach' should definitely be added onto your playlist.