Michael Q

Sober Shares - Alcoholics Anonymous Interviews & Speakers.

Michael Q

  • Sober Shares - Alcoholics Anonymous Interviews & Speakers.

Sober Shares - Alcoholics Anonymous Interviews & Speakers.

Discover the transformative power of sobriety with Sober Shares, a podcast series featuring inspiring interviews and speakers from Alcoholics Anonymous. Join the conversation on addiction recovery, mental health, spirituality, and personal growth.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Family & Relationships

Sober Shares: Inspiring Stories of Alcohol Recovery and Spiritual Growth

If you're looking for inspiration in your journey to sobriety or simply want to learn more about addiction recovery, Sober Shares is the perfect podcast for you. This series features interviews and speakers from Alcoholics Anonymous who share their personal stories of alcoholism and how they found hope in recovery.
Throughout each episode of Sober Shares, guests open up about their struggles with addiction and their experiences working through the 12 steps. They discuss topics such as mental health struggles in sobriety, balancing family life as a sober parent or spouse, dealing with anxiety and depression without substances, finding support within AA communities around the world.
One recurring theme that emerges across episodes is the transformative nature of sobriety itself. Many guests speak to how they've experienced deep spiritual growth since quitting drinking or using drugs. Others talk about how service work has become an essential part of their lives since getting sober.
Listeners will find that each episode offers something unique; some are deeply emotional while others are more practical in nature. For example, some episodes feature step-by-step guides to working through specific parts of AA's program like acceptance or surrendering control over one's life.
In addition to interviews with people sharing their personal experiences overcoming addiction through AA meetings and other resources available worldwide which helps them achieve long-term success in maintaining sobriety. Guests also touch on broader topics related to alcoholism such as its history in America (including fascinating insights into its roots during prohibition), legislative efforts aimed at reducing substance abuse rates globally.