Billy and Jason

Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast

Billy and Jason

  • Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast

Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast

Join the conversation with Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast, as Billy and Jason explore topics on spiritual living, addiction recovery, 12-step program, self-discovery, service contribution, and more.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Health & Wellness
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Financial Empowerment

Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast: A Mental Health Conversation on Addiction and Spiritual Living

Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast is a mental health conversation centered around addiction recovery and related topics. Hosts Billy and Jason explore spiritual living in the context of the 12-step program. They discuss various aspects of recovery culture such as anonymity versus self-disclosure in daily life. They also delve into addiction's impact on physical health while providing practical advice to live a healthy life.
The podcast covers different spiritual principles that play an essential role in addiction recovery such as commitment, trust, faith, forgiveness among others. In each episode of Recovery (Sort Of), they address specific topics like Fentanyl Dispensaries programs' effectiveness or how quarantine affects recovery communities.
One of the best things about Recovery (Sort Of) is its willingness to explore different beliefs without judgment and encourage listeners to do the same by questioning preconceptions. They challenge misconceptions surrounding Suboxone treatment being unclean or passing judgments about prospective members based on their harm reduction methods.
Listeners will gain insights into common challenges people face when navigating recovery culture and traditions. For example, they discuss Tradition Seven's importance where every NA group should be fully self-supporting by declining outside contributions.
Another critical aspect covered in this podcast series is service contribution as part of one's journey towards healing from addiction. Billy shares his experience with vigilante nursing with Jason B., providing wound care education to substance users who have been failed by traditional medical systems.
Overall,xa0Recovery (Sort Of) - The Podcast provides valuable insights into various aspects that are crucial for anyone looking for help or support for their addiction issues or just curious about learning more about spirituality living within a 12-step program framework.xa0Whether you're looking for practical advice to live a better life or new perspectives on spirituality,xa0the hosts offer unique perspectives that can help you navigate your own journey towards healing from addiction issues.