KSL Podcasts

Project Recovery

KSL Podcasts

  • Project Recovery

Project Recovery

Join Casey Scott on his journey to recovery with licensed psychologist Dr. Matt Woolley in Project Recovery podcast. Get insights on addiction, coping strategies, medical support and more.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Creativity & Innovation
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness

Project Recovery: A Journey of Hope, Healing, and Redemption

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction, then Project Recovery is the podcast series that will help you find hope for healing and redemption. Hosted by TV personality Casey Scott and licensed psychologist Dr. Matt Woolley, this podcast focuses on personal stories of those who have overcome addiction through various means including medicalclinicalspiritualand physical support.
The episodes are not just about substance abuse but also cover topics like grief management, homelessness due to addiction among others. Each episode provides valuable insights into how people cope with their addictive behaviors while also sharing success stories of those who have managed to overcome their struggles.
Through real-life experiences shared by different guests in each episode along with expert advice from Dr. Matt Woolley - a licensed psychologist - listeners will learn about the importance of finding a positive support system and the role self-compassion plays in recovery.
One guest speaker talked about how she found self-worth after years of abusing substances while another guest discussed rebuilding relationships after returning from rehab. The show covers all aspects of recovery from prevention vs intervention to managing grief while pursuing social work.
The great thing about Project Recovery is that it doesn't claim to be an instant cure for addiction but instead offers practical tips and advice that can help individuals take control over their lives one day at a time. You will hear stories that inspire hope as well as provide insight into coping strategies such as mindfulness approaches which can be applied towards any situation in life.
The title 'Project Recovery' signifies the ongoing nature of recovering from addiction or other harmful behaviors; it's not something that happens overnight but rather requires continuous effort towards progress every day.
Ultimately, if you're looking for a meaningful conversation around substance abuse or want to learn how others have conquered their addictive behaviors through medicalclinicalspiritualand physical support then Project Recovery is definitely worth checking out! Subscribe now wherever you get your podcasts.