Arthur Toole III, MBA

Pain Relief University

Arthur Toole III, MBA

  • Pain Relief University

Pain Relief University

Discover natural pain relief solutions with Pain Relief University's podcast series. Learn about dry needling, physical therapy, chiropractic care, and more. Achieve pain-free living naturally.
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Health & Wellness
Creativity & Innovation
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing

Pain Relief University: Your Guide to Achieving Pain-Free Living Naturally

Do you suffer from chronic pain? Are you tired of relying on medication or invasive procedures for relief? If so, look no further than the Pain Relief University podcast series. This informative and engaging podcast is your guide to achieving pain-free living naturally.
Hosted by a team of experts in the field of pain management, Pain Relief University covers a wide range of topics related to natural pain relief solutions. From chiropractic care to occupational therapy to dry needling and more, this podcast will provide you with the knowledge and tools necessary for achieving long-lasting pain relief without medication or surgery.
One episode that stands out is 'What my mom did after having both knees replaced to get relief'. In this episode, we learn how Meg Relief helped a mother find natural relief from joint pain after knee replacement surgery. We also recommend listening to 'Is dry needling helpful in relieving pain? Let's talk about it', where host Arthur Toole III and guest Dr. Catherine Sylvester discuss the differences between dry needling and acupuncture as well as their effectiveness in alleviating chronic pain.
Other episodes cover topics like ergonomic assessments in the workplace, common misconceptions about chiropractic care, artificial sweeteners & gluten effects on body & mind , benefits of scar massage etc.. The insights shared by guests enable listeners like you with an understanding of different approaches for treating various types of pains naturally.
If you're new to Pain Relief University then start with their origin story episode where they share their journey towards developing Med-Relief which has had positive impacts on patients' lives . Another great starting point is Episode 1 which provides an introduction into what the show is all about- providing natural solutions for those suffering from chronic pains.
Pain Relief University believes that everyone deserves access to effective and safe methods for managing their chronic pains . Tune into this amazing podcast series today! You'll be surprised at how much there is still left for us all when it comes down finding ways out there other than medications or surgeries.