Margaret Paul PhD

Inner Bonding

Margaret Paul PhD

  • Inner Bonding

Inner Bonding

Learn how to heal anxiety, depression, addiction, and relationship problems through Inner Bonding with Dr. Margaret Paul's podcast series. Discover the transformative power of self-love and connecting with your higher guidance.
Health & Wellness
Family & Relationships
Creativity & Innovation
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery

Discover the Transformative Power of Inner Bonding: A Comprehensive Guide to Dr. Margaret Paul's Podcast Series

If you're looking for a way to improve your mental health and relationships, look no further than Inner Bonding. Hosted by Dr. Margaret Paul, this podcast series offers many aspects of the powerful mind/body/spirit self-healing process that can help you learn how to love yourself, take responsibility for your feelings and health and connect with your higher guidance.
Inner bonding is a transformative process that uses elements from psychology, spirituality and science to help individuals better understand themselves emotionally so they can live happier lives. This includes healing anxiety, depression, addiction and relationship problems.
Through her podcast episodes titled in general terms such as 'The One Major Cause of Relationship Problems,' 'Who Takes Responsibility for Your Feelings?' or 'Managing Pain of Disconnection,' Dr. Paul shares insights on various topics related to inner bonding like projection, communication about sex in relationships or false beliefs formation.
A few sample episodes include:
- Unmasking the Ego Wounded Self
- When to Leave a Relationship
- Creating Loving Relationships
- What Does Having Sex Mean To You?
- How You Might Be Ruining Your Relationships
In each episode she provides practical tips on how listeners can implement inner bonding practices into their own lives. The focus is on taking responsibility for one's feelings while acknowledging them without judgment.
Overall Inner Bonding teaches individuals how to become more connected with their true selves through self-love which leads towards healthier relationships both romantically or platonically speaking.
If you are looking for ways to heal emotional wounds within yourself or in relationships then tune in today! You will discover new ways of thinking about yourself while also learning tools that can help you transform your life.