Brandy Fuller Anderson

I Believe Your Abuse

Brandy Fuller Anderson

  • I Believe Your Abuse

I Believe Your Abuse

Gain insight, acceptance and support as you recover from narcissistic abuse with the I Believe Your Abuse podcast. Join Brandy Fuller Anderson in exploring topics such as understanding narcissistic abuse, recognizing abuse, and healing from trauma.
Family & Relationships
Health & Wellness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery

I Believe Your Abuse: A Recovery Podcast for Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse

If you're a survivor of narcissistic abuse or know someone who is struggling to move on from a toxic relationship, the I Believe Your Abuse podcast is here to offer you insight, acceptance, and support. Hosted by Brandy Fuller Anderson, this recovery podcast explores the complex nature of narcissistic relationships in a thoughtful and empathetic way.
Throughout each episode of I Believe Your Abuse, listeners will gain valuable insights into topics like recognizing red flags early on in relationships with narcissists. From there they will learn how to avoid being made the scapegoat in these toxic partnerships while gaining an understanding of why they fell for it initially.
Other topics explored on the show include gaslighting tactics used by manipulative partners and how love bombing is utilized to gain control over victims. The hosts also explore atypical sexuality behaviors that can be present in those with NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) while discussing their addiction to social media.
In addition to providing valuable education about recovering from abusive situations involving NPD partners, I Believe Your Abuse offers support for survivors seeking professional help or just wanting someone else who understands what they've been through. They discuss finding support both personally and professionally while emphasizing the importance of taking action towards change.
The episodes are constructed around specific themes but focus more generally on helping individuals understand what has happened throughout their experiences with these kinds of partners while giving them practical tools towards healing themselves.
Listeners can expect engaging conversations that are thoughtfully crafted around specific themes related to Narcissism and its effects upon people's lives. Each episode promises deep insights into various aspects of Narcissism whilst offering hope for survivors seeking recovery.
Overall, if you or anyone close to you have experienced traumatic events involving Narcissism then 'I believe your abuse' is definitely worth checking out! This series provides an excellent resource center filled with educational content that promotes self-awareness along with actionable steps towards healing.