Fellowship CR

Hope in Recovery

Fellowship CR

  • Hope in Recovery

Hope in Recovery

Discover how to overcome trauma, find healing, build healthy relationships, and embrace new truths with Hope in Recovery: A Fellowship CR Podcast. Join Rodney Holmstrom and Andy Petry as they share life change stories and recovery topics centered on Christ and the Celebrate Recovery principles.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Health & Wellness
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Creativity & Innovation

Hope in Recovery: The Power of Healing and Grace

Are you looking for hope on your journey to recovery? Do you need guidance on how to overcome trauma, build healthy relationships, or find healing? Look no further than Hope in Recovery: A Fellowship CR Podcast.
Hosted by Rodney Holmstrom and Andy Petry, this podcast series offers inspiring life change stories that encourage listeners to embrace new truths while focusing on mental health, spiritual growth, emotional well-being, and relational healing. With a focus on Christ-centered Celebrate Recovery principles that help individuals break free from destructive cycles of addiction or codependency.
Throughout each episode of Hope in Recovery podcast series , listeners will discover the power of confession over concealing emotions; learn about facing blame while taking responsibility; understand the dangers of denial; explore surrender as a path towards grace; understand the cost and return of lasting relationships; gain insight into cultivating gratitude for personal growth.
Episodes like 'Understanding & Preventing Relapse,' 'Finding Peace in the Holidays,' 'When Shame Resurfaces', 'What Brings Change?', among others tackle relevant topics surrounding mental health issues such as depression or anxiety. In addition to these tough topics often discussed in recovery groups but not publicly talked about enough.
Whether you're looking for guidance on navigating post-holiday emotions or finding peace during times of stress through self-awareness practices - there is something here for everyone seeking hope amidst their struggles with addiction or codependency.
In conclusion,
Hope in Recovery is an insightful podcast series that shares powerful stories related to mental health issues such as trauma-based addictions. Through these engaging conversations centered around Christ-centered Celebrate Recovery principles , Rodney Holmstrom's experiences can inspire anyone seeking hope amidst their struggle with addiction. Whether it's dealing with shame messages from past traumas that resurface during holidays or exploring what brings real change - there is always something here worth listening too.