Heather Kittelson


Heather Kittelson

  • Fortitude


Join host Heather Kittelson on Fortitude as she shares inspiring stories of courage, redemption, and hope from people who have overcome adversity. Listen to personal journeys of addiction, loss, rare diseases and more!
Health & Wellness
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Financial Empowerment
Sexual Health & Wellbeing

Fortitude: Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Adversity

Fortitude is a podcast series that highlights inspiring personal stories of overcoming adversity. Hosted by Heather Kittelson, the show features individuals who have faced significant challenges in their lives but have found the strength to persevere through them. The podcast covers a wide range of topics such as addiction, loss, rare diseases, mental health issues and more.
Every episode is unique since each story is different - but they all share one thing in common: the storytellers had fortitude! They share how they overcame their obstacles with listeners so that others can learn from their experiences and get help when needed. Each tale encourages listeners to speak up about their own struggles and seek support.
The show's purpose is to build a community around hope and redemption. By sharing these powerful stories with one another we can find ways to heal ourselves while also supporting our fellow human beings on this journey called life.
Some examples of episodes include an interview with Tim Schut - who was diagnosed with PPAOS (Primary Progressive Apraxia Of Speech) which will rob him his speech; Trenton Bass's story about overcoming paralysis after a tragic football accident; Kim Sanow's discussion on generational trauma; Amos & Heather Kittelson's story about surviving mental health issues & addiction; Travis & Jessica Remme's experience dealing with the loss of their child and many more!
Listeners will not only be inspired by these incredible tales but also learn valuable lessons about resilience , healthy boundaries , finding purpose through pain , identifying manipulation , coping mechanisms for PTSD among other topics discussed.
Fortitude provides a platform where people are free to tell their stories without judgment or fear. It offers insights into how others have navigated tough times in life while providing hope for those going through similar situations . If you're looking for inspiration or just need some words of encouragement during difficult times then look no further than this amazing podcast series!