Rick Peterson

Encounter Recovery Ministries

Rick Peterson

  • Encounter Recovery Ministries

Encounter Recovery Ministries

Discover the thought-provoking and inspiring podcast series of Encounter Recovery Ministries. Explore topics such as Christian identity, the sufficiency of Christ's atonement, and the Holy Spirit's role in convicting sinners.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Creativity & Innovation
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Family & Relationships
Health & Wellness

Encounter Recovery Ministries: A Comprehensive Overview

If you are seeking a podcast that offers insightful discussions on various aspects of Christianity, then look no further than Encounter Recovery Ministries. Hosted by Dr. Rick Peterson, this podcast series explores a wide range of topics related to Christian faith and spirituality.
One of the key themes that run throughout this series is the sufficiency of Christ's atonement for humanity's sins. Listeners will gain insights into how Jesus became the new temple and how his body became a mobile temple. The hosts also delve into Pauline theology and explore what it means to live a normal Christian life.
The podcasts offer an eschatological perspective on various issues that affect modern-day Christians. For instance, listeners will learn about Lent from a biblical perspective and discover why it might not be harmless religion after all. The podcasts also discuss false worship practices such as contemporary man-centered worship that God rejects.
Encounter Recovery Ministries' latest episode shares insights on why preaching Mosaic law does not convert sinners; instead, it is the Holy Spirit who convicts them. Through their discussion on moral law, listeners will come to understand that believers' conscience and conduct are under grace rather than subject to Mosaic Law.
The hosts also touch upon topics such as Christian identity, God's righteous judgment, sharing joy with others about salvation in Christ Jesus, avoiding clinging to anything other than Jesus himself for true freedom from addiction or any other bondage people face today.
Whether you want to deepen your knowledge of redemptive history or explore different facets of Christianity with like-minded individuals - Encounter Recovery Ministries is an excellent resource for spiritual growth.