Cynthia Bailey-Rug

Cynthia Bailey-Rug

Cynthia Bailey-Rug

  • Cynthia Bailey-Rug

Cynthia Bailey-Rug

Discover how to empower yourself and recover from narcissistic abuse with insights from Cynthia Bailey-Rug's podcast. Learn about parenting styles, coping mechanisms, passive-aggressive behavior, emotional incest, retroactive justification, navigating the holidays, and more.
Family & Relationships
Health & Wellness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery

Empowering Yourself with Cynthia Bailey-Rug's Podcast on Narcissism and Abuse Recovery

Are you struggling to cope with toxic family behavior? Are you looking for strategies to deal with narcissistic personality disorder? Do you want to gain insights into mental health issues? Look no further than Cynthia Bailey-Rug’s empowering podcast series.
In each episode of this informative podcast series, Cynthia shares her expertise on topics such as emotional balance, preemptive lying as a tactic for discrediting victims and understanding emotional incest. As someone who has experienced narcissistic abuse herself, she brings a wealth of personal insight into every conversation.
Whether you're dealing with passive-aggressive behavior or growing up with narcissistic mothers , Cynthia provides practical advice that can help you navigate through the challenges of life. Her podcasts also cover topics like shaming , retroactive justification , coping mechanisms and strategies for dealing with toxic family behavior.
Cynthia does an excellent job explaining complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner while using relatable examples drawn from her own experiences. She uses a Christian perspective throughout the series which adds depth to discussions about topics like religion being used to justify abuse .
While some subjects are repeated across episodes (like ways to recognize and overcome the tactics of flying monkeys), it is done so in different ways that provide new information or perspectives that may resonate where previous attempts have not.
If you're looking for support during trying times or seeking guidance on how best to handle dysfunctional behaviors , then tune in today! With frequent updates (though not consistently due to mental health struggles), there is always something new worth listening too.
While transcripts are available on her website along other resources such as articles about anxiety & depression recovery specificially written by her, it's worth giving these podcasts your full attention if possible. They contain valuable information presented clearly by a compassionate host who understands what it means live through trauma.