AU4H Radio - Real Talk


  • AU4H Radio - Real Talk

AU4H Radio - Real Talk

Join Donna M. Kshir and Lee 'Cougardawn' Roberts on AU4H Radio - Real Talk as they discuss social issues including women's health, invisible disabilities, mental health, addiction recovery, child abuse, the missing and other relevant topics happening around the globe.
Health & Wellness
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Creativity & Innovation

AU4H Radio - Real Talk: Advocacy, Awareness and Self-Care

If you're looking for a podcast that discusses real-world issues affecting our society today in an engaging manner, look no further than AU4H Radio's Real Talk. Hosted by Donna M. Kshir and Lee 'Cougardawn' Roberts, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in advocacy work or simply wants to learn more about important social issues.
Donna M. Kshir and Lee Cougardawn Roberts are both advocates fighting for victims of abuse. They use their platform to create awareness about various social issues such as women's health struggles like fertility problems or body image issues. Mental Health is also discussed frequently on the show with tips on coping skills being shared with listeners.
The co-hosts also delve into topics such as addiction recovery and child abuse prevention by sharing survivor stories or discussing how we can advocate for victims of these crimes. Moreover, they bring attention to human trafficking which is an issue that affects people worldwide but is often overlooked.
In addition to addressing important societal concerns , Donna M. Kshir and Lee Cougardawn Roberts also discuss more lighthearted subjects like coffee creamers! This mix of serious discussions along with moments of levity keeps their audience engaged throughout each episode.
Listeners will appreciate the candor with which these two hosts approach each topic; they share personal experiences while acknowledging the need for positive change in society . This candidness creates relatable conversations that leave listeners feeling heard and understood.
Overall AU4H Radio-Real Talk offers a unique perspective on advocacy work by combining current events with personal growth stories from guests who have overcome adversity . The co-hosts offer insights into what it takes to become an advocate along with practical advice for those who want to make a difference in their communities .
So if you're looking for a podcast series that tackles tough subjects while offering hope through inspiring stories then tune into AU4H Radio-Real Talk hosted by Donna M.Kshir & Lee Cougardawn Robertson available wherever you get your podcasts.