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Addicts In The Dark

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  • Addicts In The Dark

Addicts In The Dark

Explore the world of addiction and recovery through the lens of anonymous callers on Addicts In The Dark. Discover themes such as childhood trauma, vulnerability, and mindfulness that are discussed in each episode.
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Financial Empowerment

Addicts In The Dark: One Hour, One Story About Addiction

Addiction can feel like a lonely journey, but on Addicts In The Dark podcast series, one hour is dedicated to one anonymous caller's story about their experience with addiction. Listeners will gain insight into the complexity of addiction and the struggles that come along with it.
Each episode explores different aspects of addiction. Some episodes focus on specific types of addictions like shopping or love while others discuss overarching themes such as childhood trauma or coping mechanisms for obsessions. Regardless of the topic at hand, listeners will come away with a deeper understanding of what it means to struggle with addiction.
Throughout each episode, listeners will hear stories from anonymous callers who share their experiences with addiction and recovery. These brave individuals provide unique perspectives on the cycle of addiction and its impact on one's life. From doctor shopping to opioid abuse to romantic relationships - every call tells a different story about how these individuals have struggled through tough times.
As you listen to Addicts In The Dark podcast series, you'll also discover that there is hope for those struggling with addictions. Anonymous callers often share strategies they use for mindfulness and meditation which can help them stay grounded during difficult times. They also encourage listeners to seek help if they need it - either by talking to friends or by reaching out to professionals.
One takeaway from this podcast series is that overcoming addiction requires courage, perseverance and support from loved ones around us. Listening in gives us a better understanding not only about what people go through when dealing with an addition but also sharing knowledge about how we can help ourselves or our loved ones recover from it.
Addicts in The Dark offers an insightful look into various types of addictions which shows no signs nor boundaries as well as providing hope even when things seem bleak.