ACA Tuesday Zoombox

ACA Tuesday Zoombox

ACA Tuesday Zoombox

  • ACA Tuesday Zoombox

ACA Tuesday Zoombox

Join the ACA Tuesday Zoombox podcast series as they share stories of recovery from the effects of growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home. Learn about the power of inner child work, self-parenting, and spiritual guidance in healing from trauma.
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Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
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Discovering Hope and Healing with ACA Tuesday Zoombox Podcast

If you grew up in an environment where abuse, neglect, and trauma were prevalent, you may find it challenging to deal with all aspects of your life today. The Adult Children of Alcoholics & Dysfunctional Families (ACA) program offers a Twelve Step, Twelve Tradition approach that can help you recover from the effects of such an upbringing. One way to learn more about this powerful program is through the ACA Tuesday Zoombox podcast series.
The ACA Tuesday Zoombox podcast series features inspiring stories by people who have found hope and healing through their involvement in this program. Recorded at online meetings based on the original Brooklyn-based ACA Toolbox meeting, these episodes offer a glimpse into how others have dealt with growing up in a dysfunctional home.
One common theme throughout many episodes is inner child work. Through sharing their experiences with re-parenting themselves and recognizing their loving voice within them, guests on this podcast explain how they have transformed their lives for the better. Listeners will discover practical tools that can be used to cultivate self-love and compassion while letting go of shame and guilt.
Another recurring topic is self-parenting – becoming your own loving parent as part of your journey towards recovery from childhood trauma. Guests describe how learning to become their own nurturer has helped them heal past wounds while developing healthy relationships with others.
Spiritual guidance is also highlighted throughout many episodes as essential for those seeking recovery from dysfunctional family systems' effects. Guests discuss how seeking higher power's assistance allows them to face challenges head-on while relying on something beyond themselves for support.
Other topics include setting boundaries and estrangement in recovery; creating safe spaces; recognizing survival traits developed during childhood; gifts received through recovery; sharing our stories' importance – among others.
Overall, if you're looking for inspiration or guidance towards healing after growing up under difficult circumstances, then look no further than the ACA Tuesday Zoombox podcast series.