A2D -from Addict to Disciple

A2D - From Addict to Disciple

A2D -from Addict to Disciple

  • A2D - From Addict to Disciple

A2D - From Addict to Disciple

Discover the path to freedom from addiction with A2D - From Addict to Disciple podcast. Join David Hain and guests as they discuss overcoming emotional wounds, finding purpose, and seeking help on the journey to recovery.
Alcohol, Addiction & Recovery
Family & Relationships
Substance Abuse & Drug Recovery
Sexual Health & Wellbeing
Creativity & Innovation

From Addict to Disciple: Finding Freedom from Addiction

From Addict to Disciple is a podcast series that focuses on helping individuals find freedom from addiction by addressing the emotional wounds that lead to addictive behavior. Hosted by David Hain, who has attained the designation of International Advanced Alcohol and Drug Counselor, this podcast features discussions about topics such as absent fathers, loneliness in addiction, challenges of recovery, self-created prisons of addiction and much more.
Throughout each episode of From Addict to Disciple listeners are offered insights into how best they can overcome their own addictions or support others in their journeys. The podcast regularly invites guests including counselors and addicts with inspiring stories of personal triumph over adversity.
While some episodes may focus on specific topics like re-entry into community after incarceration or understanding withdrawal symptoms; most episodes offer general reflections on life's struggles through an addict's perspective. Guests share their experiences with substance abuse while offering helpful advice for those who are struggling.
The core message throughout From Addict to Disciple is one of hope for anyone battling addiction: no matter how difficult things may seem right now there is always a way out. Listeners will be inspired by stories of courage from people all around the world who have found freedom through faith-based healing methods.
If you're looking for a podcast that offers both inspiration and practical tips for overcoming addiction then look no further than From Addict to Disciple. Whether you're trying to overcome your own struggle or support someone else in theirs - this show provides valuable insights into what it takes to succeed.